Mice are never alone. When a mouse finally reach your home, there are plenty more where it came from.
Ideally it is best to carry out a treatment as early as possible, before mice get the chance of establishing themselves within your home at which point the infestation can increase exponentially.
Once mice population reach a critical number, it become easier to move toward the next available property. And so the pattern gets repeated over, and over again.
Mice infestation are regulated by limiting factors such as the available food and space to support it. Extreme infestations can only be achieved if tenants show a lack of concern, and provide them with an unlimited amount of food.
Our mouse Treatment
Once you have seen a mouse in your home there is no turning back. It would not matter if it was just a one off, or just the tip of an iceberg.
If your home is prone to mice infestation or suffer from an established infestation, you need to put something in place to protect it.
Mice are fussy eaters, this is why it is so important using highly palatable baits that they will want to take. The baits are specially designed to act slowly and cause no acute pain.
Once we have treated your home, you may encourage the surrounding properties to have their homes checked.
And in case it is not possible to get rid of the mice before they reach you, then at least, you will still have the mouse proofing option to stop them from reaching you.